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GCSE Biology Revision

Here at the Harrogate Tutors, we offer support in a wide range of subjects. Including the basics like GCSE Maths and English, as well as science-related subjects. While normally our support is through tutoring, we also offer support in regard to revision materials. Due to the wide range of materials that are on the internet, we aim to help sort through the mess to find resources that are both relevant and of high quality. The focus of today is the GCSE biology revision resources.

Biology itself is a subject that is both loved and hated. Some picked it up with ease, and others struggled to grasp the concepts. For those who struggle, a good way to overcome this would be with the use of a high-quality, diverse set of revision resources. MME’s GCSE biology revision is an excellent site that offers its own unique collection of revision materials. All of which are created by content experts and examiners. Based on the curriculum, the materials cover every topic that could appear within the GCSE Biology exam.

Some of the best resources offered include:

To get the most out of these materials, we have a recommended revision plan. To begin with, we would recommend starting with the revision pages, studying and learning about each topic. Then trying out the worksheet questions attached to the revision pages. Alongside this, we would recommend the revision cards, which can be used in small bursts in order to help memorize information.

Once you have gained some confidence, you can move on to the exam questions, which are based around actual questions that will appear in the exam. This will give you a solid idea of what doing these questions will be like. From here, the last step would be the past papers, where you can get a good idea of where your knowledge level is. Showing what areas you still struggle with, allowing you to go back and revise those specific topics. Helping you to get the most out of your revision.



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